www.hotel626.com *buka web ani mlm,bru ada feel..bknya web porno ne ah..haha..selamat mencuba,lau na brani,bwa urg alim..hehe n jn lupa men galap2*
Friday, 26 December 2008
Thursday, 25 December 2008
study time..hehe
evo1 equipped with evo3 bodykits
evo2,na ku tau apa bezanya dgn evo1

evo3 kegemaran org ramai,bezanya dgn evo1 n 2..firsrt bodykitnya,hood,lampung dapan basar skit n lampung signalnya wrna kuning..start evo3 evo pkai recaro bucket seats..

evo tukar body n platform nya every 3 modal kluar..dis is evo4..liat bnr2..hehe

evo5,nmpk bezanya dgn evo4?well obviously nmpk bezanya..lampung,bodykits..n jua evo makai brake calipernya brembo..hoodnya..spoilernya..size body basar..fendernya..

evo6 usulnya sama dgn evo5,p bodykits nya brubah..spoiler nya lain n damit skit sal WRC regulation..hood stay da same..lampung signal kristal clear..bumpernya makin lebar..

now evo nya brubah lagi every 3 jenis evo kluar..liat bnr2 lagi..

evo8,n mcm biasa..evo yg slalu brubah bodykits,spoiler,rims n hood..bentuk body masih sama..evo8 special skit sal ea ada idung ah..hehe owh lampung blakang pun btukar p bentuk msih sama jua,lampung kristal clear,lampung dapan pn tukar..also bkumis bumper dapannya..hehe

evo9,bodykits brubah lagi..bumper blakang bawahnya ada rear active diffuser..lampung blakang tukar,warna itam..evo9 nda beidung..some evo9 da makai vortex generator original aka shark fins nya org..

the latest evo,evo X..n again evo btukar wajah very 3 modal,majal..haha..segala2nya brubah n enginenya no longer 4G63..SO CANT WAIT evo bru lagi kuar..haha dpt lagi ku tau bezanya dgn evo X..
well gua post sal evo sal gua minat evo dri damit..dream ride?mebe..evo bleh drift kn,haha..sal a2 th ku tau bezanya evo bru n lama..if ada kesilapan sal perbezaan 2,tinggalkn pesanan..hehe -SPIRIT OF COMPETITION-
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 06:28
Robot warrior called GUNDAM
Smart interior equipped with the neon lights just like the BMW 7series
the mean looks and wideboy and fenders
my favourite colour...
randah ka udh ne?
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 05:57
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
kenangan 2008 part.1
well mcm2 th ulah bisdurang,ada unsur2 yg na baik..haha da yg lapar sulnya..yh main hp 2 our salesman yg pandai ambil untung..hehe..enjoy da silly pictures..haha
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 07:51
scooby doo..
diz is one of my skool mate pnya ride...subaru impreza wrx sti ver.5 type r..panjang eyh namanya haha..dis pic. were taken tym ku bis oral..haha..tym 2 ku pkai peugeot 206..aha..gambar engine na ku mau upload,salnya owner keyeta ani bgi org tertentu ja meli8..of courze enginenya modipayit lh 2 ah..enjoy
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 07:40
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Today i saw rsr racing machines memblast dapan hua ho tutong..black evo X n sti ver.VIII..nice~
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 23:22
Thursday, 11 December 2008
speeeeeding around 10 pm..
hey hey..just now..smokey had invited us to his house..smokey ada mengadakan BBQ..but..after bbq atew..kmi mcm besaa la..and you all must know mcm mna si smokey driving..lols..speeed yoo..honda kalee uh..v-tec baa tew
its 10:33 pm
alumm lgi laju ne bghoo..
santaa claus..yeahhaa..modern dah santa nya..pakai kreta..lol..merry christmas!
peace yoo...ehh smoky..jgn th kn peace2 ane..liat dapan woi..
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 23:54
Randy's M5
introducingggg..the M5..haha..own by Randy..i mean his parent punyaa..lols
zoom zoom
eagle eye..
wooi wangg..masih ber nut tew laai..nda u dapat buka tew..lols
tingkaii ehh..nnti th me randah kn
nnti th me drift kn keyeta ane..masih baru baa tayar..
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 23:36
Mini workshop at Randy's house..lols
hallu there,this morning DK and Omen came to my house around 10..Dk wanted to clean his mitsubishi air filter using Randy's air blower..duuh..
try to guess..mitsubishi apaa ne?
introducing, ytah air blower si Dk pakai ne..
left:DK and Randy..
lurush ka tew bghoo cara membersihkn? antaam sha bghoo aa..
left:randy and Dk..
yeppi..syiokk ehh..
hmm..after finish cleaning the air filter..sii Dk membersih kan atau mengilat kn enjin nyaa..hee..rajin eehh
mcm banaa si awg atew..
cuci bghoo..smpai bekilau..
after..bekilau tew bghoo..
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 22:56
Saturday, 6 December 2008
welcome to bear hill..
hello there, we're back and now, we going to introduce a place where we usually practice our skill.just a basic technique.mainly,we do this activity in the early morning.why we do this early in the morning? lols..dont ask..i bet you know the answer as we are illegal driver..we hit then run..
so..here are the pics..
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 21:38
Friday, 5 December 2008
The silvia S15
hello there..to all s15 fans..here are some random pics of silvia S15..enjoy the pics..
orange juice
s15 the top secret
whity silvia
red silviaa..
super nicer..
blue sea s15
another orange juice
yellow banana
silvia in chrome
di saji oleh Hashiriya pada 20:19